
Name Change

Posted by Kevin |


I've posted a number of times about how life is going too fast for me. Faster than I've wanted it to go my boys are growing, my wife is pregnant with our third child and I'm approaching 30.

And while I'm enjoying my life and content with where I am and who I've become, it is simply just flying by.

Do you remember how weird it is to have your name/title change in the various stages of life. For me, it was so strange to get used to being called husband. That is a significant change - boyfriend I had grown used to, but husband was different and a weird change for a while. I remember thinking the same thing when I worked on staff at a church - people called me pastor - that was just as weird.

But the biggest change, the one that weighs most on me is being called daddy. I love it, but it is a lot of responsibility. I want to be the best daddy I can for my boys and over the past 4 years have grown used to being called that. But this weekend my name changed again - and this time I wasn't even ready for it and hadn't previously given any thought to it. My 4 year old Micah started calling me dad. Just dad. Seems like it's the same thing, but for me it totally wasn't - all of a sudden I could hear him saying, "Goodbye dad," as he left for college or his honeymoon or some other far-off event. All of a sudden he wasn't my little boy anymore who affectionately calls for daddy, he was my boy, my son and inviting me into his world by changing my name to 'dad.'

I can already see myself watching him graduate from high school and wondering how we got there so fast. It is a profound little lesson in life. You can't slow life down, you can't halt time, so you are forced to live in the moment or risk missing it all.


Heather Nicole said...
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Heather Nicole said...

aww - great post, very sentimental.

I spelled it right this time :)

Kevin said...

Heather - no worries - thankfully for me FireFox has spell check in all text boxes - otherwise I would be deleting a lot of comments I leave.

Unknown said...

I'll call you daddy if it makes you feel better...

Kevin said...

Ryan - I appreciate that about you.

Anonymous said...
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Unknown said...

aww Kevin, that is a sweet post.

your little boy is adorable :D

Kelli in real life said...

I have to agree. Hearing my son call me mommy is still quite surreal at times. Like, wow, Im responsible for someone. Amazing.

Alexis said...

I just read this series of tear jerker books and one of the things that struck me was an idea that, as parents, we celebrate all the firsts...first steps, first word, first haircut...

But lasts? They kinda just happen. No fanfair or anything. And before you know it you hit a last and it just passes, with no warning... Like the last time you get called daddy.

I've been trying to enjoy all the little things so much more now...because they might be the lasts and I don't want to miss it.

Kevin said...

Denise - he is so freaking cute.

Kelli - definitely appreciate it, each stage is so precious and always too short.

Alexis - that is an interesting perspective. I haven't thought of it that way - I'll add that to my tool kit for 'living in the moment.' Thanks.

allie. said...

YOu're kinda sensitive to stuff for a big macho guy, aren't you?
Thats really touching and insightful stuff.
Hats off to you for 'being there' to sense the season change.
I think you must be a great daddy and a great dad

Carrie said...

So true! I refused to go by "girlfriend." Ever. It was just too weird. So I skipped it. Can't really skip out on "mommy" though!

Changing my last name REALLY weirded me out too.

Kevin said...

Allie - I try - thanks.

Carrie - changing the last name is huge, obviously didn't think about that - but definitely huge.
