
The New America

Posted by Kevin |


candice McGarvey said...

With the presidential election drawing near, I am constantly hearing the negative thoughts and opinions of my friends and co-workers concerning presidential candidates, the state of our economy, war, among other political issues. Complain, complain, complain... but never ACT! We must become a people of action! Thanks for the cartoon and website. It gives me hope.

Kevin said...

Thanks for coming online Candice - it's good to hear your voice through text.

I'm with you. Some of the Flobots songs make them sound like a typical anti-government band, but they are a lot more. They also wear American Flag bandanna's, which seems like satire on our foreign policy, but they use it, as in the cartoon, to represent the future America that they are trying to help build.

I love seeing this kind of stuff from unlikely sources - and an band seems unlikely in that they are usually to caught up in being celebrates than being people of positive influence.

Anonymous said...

i love the flobots
and i'd love to become more socially active but i always wonder how...
then I remember, "I am to be the change I want to see in the world"

Mike McGarvey said...

Got the book, thanks Kev.

Seda said...

Ilove that quote - from Gandhi!
